Monday, December 9, 2013

Random and hair update

I have been using Gia's Red Oil since last week, so far I've used it twice. It's too early to tell a difference yet. But for my med-long thick hair I take 2 full tablespoons of oil in a glass bowl, heat in the microwave for a few seconds and then apply using a hair color brush (too hot for my fingers).

500 ml. has around 32 tablespoons. Which means I will end up using this oil in 16 applications, of which 2 are already done. I must say, that's not a good value for money. But we will measure the effects every 4 uses.

My hair washing cycle was all over the place and since I did not oil over the weekend, I oiled before sleeping last night. And had to wash my hair before leaving for work today. I hate showering in the morning. I like to shower before I hit the bed. It was so cold and all that moisturizing is a hassle when you're trying to get to work on time. Brrrrrrr........


  1. Hi Kay, any updates then on the red oil? :)

  2. Hi Belle! Thanks for asking. I will post another update today :-)
